Regional Competition

Village People

Tzvetan Dragnev
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 12:00 - 14:00 Theatre 5  
28.02. / Tuesday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 5  
01.03. / Wednesday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 3  
05.03. / Sunday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 4  
Observation of life in rural Bulgaria.

A small deserted rail station, station without future and faith. Nobody gets on or off the train. An old retired switchman lives there with his family. In the nearby village local poet digs graves to make ends meet. A projectionist remembers the once crowded movie theatre. An Old man is looking for a pear tree, where young lovers used to meet. A shepherd dreams of ice cream, served in a restaurant. A paramedic and a philosopher cares for an elderly single woman. Confessions from little people about not so little things – cows, life, faith, death, the benefits of dogs and mice and the need for blond waitresses, Jean-Paul Sartre and existentialism, river fishing, old fortune tellers and the wind.


Tzvetan Dragnev

Tzvetan Dragnev graduated from Film and Video Faculty at York University  in Toronto in June 2001 – BFA. He worked as editor and camera operator in many short and feature-length documentaries in Bulgaria and Canada. Village people is his documentary directorial debut.

General sponsor


2016, 66' 14''

Directed by:
Tzvetan Dragnev

Screenplay by:
Hristo Iliev

Plamen Gelinov

Edited by:
Tzvetan Dragnev

Galina Toneva

Produced by:
Gala Film