Where to?

Lidija Špegar
Screening time  
02.03. / Thursday, 21:00 - 23:00 Theatre 2  
A young woman is trying to make a living in Croatia by driving taxi.

Have you ever driving in a taxi wondered who is driving you? Ljijana is a young woman who drives a taxi in Zagreb. Apart from the initial surprise when they meet a female taxi driver, most passengers find her likable and they open up to her. Driving with Ljiljana through the city and listening to conversations she’s having with a wide range of travelers, we don’t only discover the condition in which the Croatian society is, but also her personal story that will make us ask ourselves where we are going.


Lidija Špegar

Lidija Špegar was born in Bjelovar. She holds a degree in Journalism and Film and Television Directing, curse of study Documentary Film, from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Art. Filmography: Some Things Shouldn't Be Hidden (2014), The Taste of Care (2014).

General sponsor

Kamo idemo

2017, 52'

Directed by:
Lidija Špegar

Screenplay by:
Lidija Špegar

Rino Barbir

Edited by:
Iva Ivan

Porto Morto

Tibor Keser

Produced by:
Academy of dramatic art