Biography Dox

Ada for Mayor

Pau Faus
Screening time  
27.02. / Monday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 5  
27.02. / Monday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 4  
The film follows Ada Colau during the course of one year, from the beginning of her campaign to the day she was elected mayor of Barcelona.

Ada Colau is an activist of the movement for affordable rents in Barcelona. When the fragmented left of the city needs to be united to enter practical municipal politics and, ideally, supply the next head of the city, she qualifies as front-runner for the collective platform Barcelona en Comú. Over a period of nine months, director Pau Faus observes a process that could be called a basic democracy workshop. Faus claims that it’s neither intentional nor coincidental that his film has also, to a large extent, become a participant observation of the top candidate’s life, but inevitable. He confidently avoids raising any suspicion that this is the finished, valid and undoubted image of a politician. Instead he reflects on how these images are produced while the engine is running. At the end of the film Ada Colau will have become a different person and remained the same – an impossible feat she is forced to pull off by her character and the political ethics she feels bound to.


Pau Faus

Pau Faus was born in Barcelona in 1974. He graduated in Architecture and he has directed the short films like La ciudad jubilada, Entre bastidores and Pedagogy and the medium-length film Sí se puede. Siete días en PAH Barcelona (2014). Ada for Mayor is his first feature film.

General sponsor


2016, 86'

Directed by:
Pau Faus

Screenplay by:
Pau Faus, Ventura Durall

Pau Faus

Edited by:
Joan Manel Vilaseca, Àlex Garcia, Núria Campadabal

Diego Pedragosa

Ventura Dural

Produced by:
A Nanouk Films production

Festivals & Awards:

Málaga Spanish Film Festival 2016 – Silver Biznaga Documentaries: Best Director; DOK Leipzig 2016; Jaipur International Film Festival 2016; Gaudí Awards 2017 – nomination