Controversial Dox

Down There

Djordje Čenić, Hermann Peseckas
Screening time  
02.03. / Thursday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 3  
How can it be that the primary school children were taking an oath to the Yugoslav president Tito in community centres across Austria year after year between late 1960’s and 1990?

And why did they have to learn about the so called Yugoslav worker’s self-management and the exploitation of working class in capitalism, in a capitalist country far away from their country of origin? What is home anyway? How do you transform from a communist to a nationalist over night? Why on earth are the Yugoslavian guest workers turning to the traditional Austrian folk costume? And how come you are always expected to play a role of the Nazi soldier during the game of partisans and Germans, a Yugo version of cowboys & Indians? These and similar questions are central to the documentary Down There, in which the author Đorđe Čenić goes on the autobiographical journey through time. 


Djordje Čenić

Đorđe Čenić, born in 1975 as a guest-worker child in Linz, Austria. Lives and works in Salzburg as filmmaker and musician.


Hermann Peseckas

Hermann Peseckas, born in 1950, in Germany. Lives and works in Salzburg as a filmmaker. He is a founding member of Studio West. Independent Film.

General sponsor


2016, 87'

Directed by:
Djordje Čenić, Hermann Peseckas

Screenplay by:
Đorđe Čenić, Hermann Peseckas

Đorđe Čenić, Hermann Peseckas

Edited by:
Dominik Spritzendorfer

Đorđe Čenić aka Djoki Django

Đorđe Čenić

Produced by:
Đorđe Čenić

Festivals & Awards:

Crossing Europe 2016 – Social Awareness Award; Sarajevo Film Festival 2016 – EDN Award