Screening time  
02.03. / Thursday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 4  
04.03. / Saturday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 5  
The fate of thousands of people is unified under the tarpaulins of the refugee camps in Kobanê and in Shingal.

Kurdish filmmaker Bahman Ghobadi has given eight children the opportunity to use a camera to tell their own stories. Each film gives us a glimpse into the plight of the children, as seen through their own eyes. Their stories tell of young people with their whole lives ahead of them, though they’ve already lost almost everything. The eight films reveal the courage and openness of the young filmmakers, who share their stories with great intensity, realism and poetry, despite their harsh fate.


Diar Omar

Diar Omar is a 13-year-old boy from Kobane. His house was burned while he and his family were inside. His parents are wrapped entirely in cast while fortunately, he didn’t burn much.


Besameh Soleiman

Besameh Soleiman is a young Izadi girl from Shingal. She escaped from an attack by ISIS, but resultantly lost her arm to a landmine explosion.


Hazem Khodeideh

Hazem Khodeideh made a film about Birhat, a 13 year-old-boy whose parents are captured by ISIS. He takes care of his sick grandmother as well as his younger sister, Sonia, who has stopped speaking after ISIS captured and released her.


Rounahi Ezaddin

Rounahi Ezaddin is a 14-year-old girl from Kobane. She speaks of the terrible conditions in the refugee camps.


Delovan Kekha

Delovan Kekha is a 13-year-old boy from Kobane. His father is extremely ill and there is no more medicine left in the camps. The infirmary tent gives him a piece of paper with a prayer written on it instead of medicine.


Sami Hussain

Sami Hussain is a 14-year-old boy from Shingal and his family is severely injured while ISIS still holds his sister captive.


Zohur Saeid

Zohur is a 12-year-old girl from Shingal. She is asked to sing a song for Shingal as her voice is known to be beautiful, but she admits she no longer sings after losing her father who taught her to sing.


Mahmod Ahmad

Mahmod Ahmad is a 13-year-old boy from Kobane. Searching for his home, he takes us through the ruins of his town and its martyred people after it’s freed from ISIS.

General sponsor

Life on the Border

2016, 73' 33''

Directed by:
Diar Omar, Besameh Soleiman, Hazem Khodeideh, Rounahi Ezaddin, Delovan Kekha, Sami Hussain, Zohur Saeid, Mahmod Ahmad

Edited by:
Shabnam Hosseini

Babak Mirzakhani

Bahman Ghobadi

Produced by:
Mij Film