
Pitching Forum

Time and place  
02.03. / Thursday, 10:00 - 16:00 Theatre 3  
This year's Pitching Forum will present 12 selected documentary projects at different stages of development from 12 countries.

The central ZagrebDox Pro event open to the public is the Pitching Forum which will present 12 selected documentary projects at different stages of development from 12 countries. At the end of the four-day preparatory workshop intended for creative documentary projects at different stages of development, the participants will present their projects to a panel consisting of TV editors, film fund representatives, distributers and producers.

Each Pitching Forum participant will have seven minutes for project presentation, complete with trailers and other visual materials, as well as eight minutes for answers to the panel’s questions.

Workshop facilitators and mentors, and Pitching Forum moderators are Leena Pasanen, Director of DOKLeipzig and Stefano Tealdi, director and producer.