ZagrebDox Pro News



ZagrebDox Pro is inviting documentary film directors, scriptwriters, cinematographers and producers to apply for training programme ZAGREBDOX PRO 2017

ZAGREBDOX PRO 2017 (26/2/2017 – 3/3/2017)

ZAGREBDOX PRO is a six-day program that includes a four-day workshop and a pitching forumon the fifth dayfor twelve documentary projects in various phases of development/production and THE INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION DAY dedicated to networking on the sixth day. During the workshop, participants are going to have individual meetings with decision makers (TV editors, distributors, producers, representatives of film funds) and scriptwriting advisors. Leena Pasanen and Stefano Tealdi are the workshop facilitators and Pitching Forum moderators.

The ZagrebDox Pro workshop aims at helping the participants successfully acquire the skills required for finding international partners for co-financing their films. The aim of the programme is for the selected projects to benefit from group and individual work with tutors Leena Pasanen and Stefano Tealdi and also from sessions open to the public during which knowledge and experiences are to be shared with high-end experts in documentary film-making and within the group. Directors and producers can take part at the workshop. In specific cases, they can be accompanied by a scriptwriter, cinematographer or editor. While teams of participants generally have two members, they can have up to three members.

ZagrebDox Pro strives to assist the participants with:

  • working individually on developing their projects with renowned documentary film experts
  • pitching the projects in front of a very mixed panel of commissioning editors, sales agents, distributors, film fund and festival representatives from Europe, US, etc., and meeting with them individually
  • getting a “second opinion” from the experts in the fields not directly connected but close to documentary filmmaking
  • learning through case studies of successful documentaries
  • networking with colleagues from different backgrounds
  • finding out about latest technological developments
  • promoting their projects during production and upon completion



Creative documentary projects in different stages of development and production are called to apply. Projects closer to completion and projects from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Kosovo, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia, dealing with the region thematically and/or those in search for a co-producer from one of these countries, have an advantage in the selection.

Only those team members that participate in the workshop can participate in the pitching forum.

ZagrebDox Pro Terms & Conditions can be found here.



You can apply for the workshop by filling out and sending the online application form.

IMPORTANT: The official language of the training programme is English. All information entered in the online application and all uploaded supporting materials need to be in English, all financial amounts need to be expressed in Euro and trailer/teaser needs to have English subtitles.


To access the online application form it is necessary to register and create a user account at ZagrebDox's website.

After registration, in your user profile you can submit new projects, edit and save your project applications until you submit them and see all your previous submitted applications.

Your user account also enables you to submit your film for screening at ZagrebDox – International Documentarty Film Festival.

For registration and creating a new user account and/or to log in with your existing account, follow this link.

IMPORTANT: If you already have a user account for film application for screening at ZagrebDox, you do not need to create a new user account for project application at ZagerbDox Pro.


The deadline for project entries is 1 December 2016

Attending ZAGREBDOX PRO is completely free of charge.



The attendants who do not live in Croatia can apply for ZagrebDox Pro's scholarship that covers travel and accommodation expenses for the workshop. ZagrebDox Pro will provide up to six scholarships.



Along with project teams, up to six observers can attend the closed sessions of ZagrebDox. Several sessions open to the public will be organized as well.

Candidates for observers can apply at after the workshop selection has been announced. They must send an e-mail entitled I WANT TO BE AN OBSERVER. In the e-mail message, candidates must give their full name, e-mail address and phone number.


For all questions and additional information please contact us at

ZagrebDox Pro training programme is organized with the support of Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme of the European Union, Government of The Republic of Croatia - Office for cooperation with NGOs, Croatian Audiovisual Center and the City of Zagreb.