
Roberto Tirapelle

Roberto Tirapelle lives in Verona and studies in Bologna. He is the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine il Basso Adige and works at online media Mediartenews and Opera Arena Magazine. He has collaborated with other publications, including the film publishing series Sequenze and Tracce di giallo. Since 2008, he organizes film events Cinema sotto le stelle and Cinema e lavoro. He is the author of books on music Leonard Bernstein, una traccia per la memoria (1992) and Opera mon amour (2016).


Irena Kotelovich

Irena Kotelovich is a film critic, cultural journalist, author of the daily newspaper Zvyazda. She publishes her film reviews in different Belarusian media. She studied journalism in Belarusian State University and cinema in the St. Petersburg Institute of Cinema and Television. Irena has worked as a head of press service at Minsk International Film Festival Listapad.


Dragan Jurak

Dragan Jurak was born in 1967 in Zagreb. He graduated in journalism and published film and literary reviews in publications such as Kinoteka, Quorum, Nedjeljna Dalmacija, Feral Tribune, Jutarnji list, Globus, and in the programs of the Croatian Radiotelevision. He currently writes for the literary web portal Moderna vremena, as well as for the newspaper Novosti and the film journal Hrvatski filmski ljetopis. He also writes poetry and short stories and he is the author of the collection of poems Konji i jahači (1994) and the winner of the Goranovo proljeće award for young poets and the Vladimir Vuković Award for film criticism.