Famous on Famous

Meeting Gorbachev

Werner Herzog, André Singer
Screening time  
02.03. / Saturday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 3  
Werner Herzog meeting Mikhail Gorbachev opens a fresh door to some of the most significant happenings of the late 20th century, from nuclear disarmament to the unification of Germany.

It also puts into perspective today’s era of populist political leadership. Herzog and Gorbachev meet three times over a six-month period, and although the last President of the Soviet Union is an ailing man, his mind is sharp. His warmth and humor, and Herzog’s ability to tackle unexpected and personal areas of his life, make the encounters engaging, insightful, moving and important.


Werner Herzog

Werner Herzog was born in Munich in 1942. He grew up in a remote mountain village in Bavaria and studied History and German Literature in Munich and Pittsburgh. He made his first film in 1961 at the age of 19. Since then he has produced, written, and directed more than sixty feature and documentary films, such as Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972), Nosferatu (1978), Fitzcarraldo (1982), Lessons of Darkness (1992), Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997), My Best Fiend (1999), Invincible (2000), Grizzly Man (2005), Encounters at the End of the World (2007), Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010). Werner Herzog has published more than a dozen books of prose, and directed as many operas. Werner Herzog lives in Munich and Los Angeles.


André Singer

André Singer was born in 1945 in London. He has had a long and distinguished career as both filmmaker and anthropologist. For the BBC, he founded the documentary series Fine Cut where he met and worked with filmmakers such as Jean Rouch, Fred Wiseman, DA Pennebaker and Vikram Jayanti. He has been working on fourteen of Werner’s films. As an Executive Producer and through his company Spring Films in London, he worked on Josh Oppenheimer’s films The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence. As a director he was awarded the Peabody and Emmy for his film Night Will Fall, and last year completed an antinuclear film Where the Wind Blew.

General sponsor

Germany, Great Britain, USA
2018, 92'

Directed by:
Werner Herzog, André Singer

Screenplay by:
Werner Herzog, André Singer

Richard Blanshard, Yuri Barak

Edited by:
Michael Ellis

Nicholas Singer

Svetlana Palmer, Lucki Stipetic

Produced by:
Werner Herzog Office

Festivals & Awards:

Toronto International Film Festival 2018; Telluride Film Festival 2018; DOK Leipzig 2018; Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival 2018; Tromsø International Film Festival 2018; Kasseler Dokfest 2018