Famous on Famous

Searching for Ingmar Bergman

Margarethe von Trotta
Screening time  
01.03. / Friday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 3  
Margarethe von Trotta takes a closer look at Bergman’s life and work and explores his film legacy with Bergman’s closest collaborators, both in front and behind the camera, as well as a new generation of filmmakers.

The documentary presents key scenes, recurring themes in his films and his life, and the focal points of his life such as the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm, locations and landscapes from his masterpieces, and the stations from his career in Sweden and Germany.


Margarethe von Trotta

Margarethe von Trotta, born in 1942 in Berlin, is one of the leaders of the New German Cinema movement, as well as one of the world’s most important feminist filmmakers. She was an actress working closely with both Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Volker Schlöndorff. She debuted with The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum, co-directed with Schlöndorff in 1975. In 1977, she directed her first solo feature, The Second Awakening of Christa Klages, which introduced many of the themes that she would return to in her later films: female bonding, sisterhood, and the uses and effects of violence.Her film Rosa Luxemburg premiered at 1986  Cannes Film Festival, where Barbara Sukowa received the Best Actress Award for her performance. In 2012, von Trotta completed her exploration of women’s destinies with Hannah Arendt.

General sponsor

Ingmar Bergman – Vermächtnis eines Jahrhundertgenies

France, Germany
2018, 99'

Directed by:
Margarethe von Trotta

Screenplay by:
Margarethe von Trotta, Felix Moeller

Börres Weiffenbach

Edited by:
Bettina Böhler

Helge Haack

Guy Amon, Benjamin Seikel, Stéphane Sorlat

Produced by:
C-Films Germany, Mondex&cie

Festivals & Awards:

Cannes Film Festival 2018; Toronto International Film Festival 2018; IDFA 2018; Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2018; Tokyo International Film Festival 2018; Vermont International Film Festival 2018; Cape Town International Film Festival 2018; Noordelijk Film Festival 2018; Cambridge Film Festival 2018; St. Louis International Film Festival 2018; Sedona International Film Festival 2018