Regional Competition

Separation, Vivid Dreams

Bojana Radulović
Screening time  
27.02. / Wednesday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 2  
28.02. / Thursday, 21:00 - 23:00 Theatre 2  
01.03. / Friday, 12:00 - 14:00 Theatre 4  
Rootless despite having a home: like her house in Montenegro, Bojana Radulović feels at the mercy of international developments and political changes.

A young woman returns to her childhood home in Montenegro after seventeen years. The house is dilapidated, left-behind objects are covered in plastic, family pictures still hang on the walls. A personal and performative journey into the unconscious. Memories emerge layer by layer, ghosts of the war that stand in the way of a new departure of the country. Abandoned construction sites are everywhere, like silent witnesses of stagnation, while Chinese companies invest in rebuilding the infrastructure.


Bojana Radulović

Bojana Radulović, artist and producer, graduated from the Faculty of Visual Arts in Podgorica with a degree in audio-visual production. She participated in many group and solo multimedia exhibitions. Bojana’s works have been shown at festivals internationally. She has founded Code Blue Production in 2014. Separation, Vivid Dreams (2018) is her debut film.

General sponsor

Separation, Vivid Dreams

Montenegro, Belgium
2018, 19'

Directed by:
Bojana Radulović

Screenplay by:
Bojana Radulović

Thierry Detaille

Edited by:
Marie-Hélène Mora

Bojana Radulović, Michel Dutry

Produced by:
Code-Blue Production, Nameless Production

Festivals & Awards:

DOK Leipzig 2018; IDFA 2018; Kasseler Dokfest 2018; Signes de Nuit 2018