Biography Dox

John McEnroe: In the Realm of Perfection

Julien Faraut
Screening time  
01.03. / Friday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 1  
A vibrant up close and personal look at the tennis legend John McEnroe at the peak of his career.

Scenes from a black-and-white instructional film about tennis. The commentary explains that the players erroneously assumed that their demonstrations corresponded to the actual movements made in a match. This observation and Jean-Luc Godard’s statement that “Movies lie, not sports” taken from an interview with the L’Équipe sports magazine form the starting points for a study on the body and movement, on tennis and the cinema as reflected in analogue technology. It begins with a visit to the national sports archive, where celluloid treasures lie buried – 16 mm films about the performances of John McEnroe, a left-hander, at the Roland Garros Stadium. John McEnroe played against his notorious temper tantrums and covered them up at the same time.

Julien Faraut

Julien Faraut was born in 1978 in Colombes, France. He earned a master’s degree in History from the University of Paris-Nanterre. He has worked at the French Sports Institute (INSEP) for fifteen years, where he is in charge of a 16mm film collection. He has taken advantage of this collection to make a series of his own films, in which he connects the topics of sport, cinema and art.

General sponsor

John McEnroe: In the Realm of Perfection

2018, 95'

Directed by:
Julien Faraut

Screenplay by:
Julien Faraut

Julien Faraut

Edited by:
Andrei Bogdanov

Serge Teyssot-Gay

William Jéhannin

Produced by:
Ufo Production

Festivals & Awards:

Critics’ Choice Documentary Award 2018 – Most Compelling Living Subject of a Documentary; Lisbon & Estoril Film Festival 2018 – Jaeger Grand Jury Prize; Cinema Eye Honors Awards 2019; BFI London Film Festival 2018; São Paulo International Film Festival 2018