Happy Dox

I villani

Daniele De Michele
Screening time  
25.02. / Monday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 3  
02.03. / Saturday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 4  
The film follows the lives of four characters, from sunrise to sunset, from the start to the end of their working day.

Four "peasants" talking about agriculture, fishing, farming, cheese making and family cooking. In their daily lives, these four characters portray the countless forms of opposition to adopting the same culinary and cultural model worldwide. Here are four characters and their respective families to confirm whether Italian cooking is still a living heritage, whether the sharing of information between one generation and the next still exists and whether Italian cooking as they have inherited it will survive or disappear.

Daniele De Michele

Daniele De Michele is a food activists and filmmaker. He works on many Italian radio and television broadcast shows. He managed the web-TV series Italy's Grandmas in the Kitchen, in which he travelled through twenty regions meeting many grandmothers in their kitchens. His first project, Food Sound System has become a book and a multimedia show, which has been on tour around the world for the last ten years. This project was followed in 2009 by Wine Sound System. In 2013 he published his third book La Parmigiana la Rivoluzione. He writes regularly for Italian newspapers La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera.I Villani (2018) is his latest documentary.

General sponsor

I villani

2018, 86'

Directed by:
Daniele De Michele

Screenplay by:
Daniele De Michele, Andrea Segre

Salvatore Landi

Edited by:
Donatella Ruggiero

Marco Messina, Sacha Ricci

Giorgio Magliulo, Alessandra Acciai

Produced by:
Malia Film, RAI Cinema

Festivals & Awards:

Venice International Film Festival 2018; Villerupt Italian Film Festival 2018