Sergei Loznitsa


Sergei Loznitsa
Screening time  
26.02. / Tuesday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 5  
A timeless film about human dignity and grace, Portrait consists of what at first appear to be photographs of Russian peasants and farmers.

But as we watch the carefully composed scenes, small details in the background begin to catch our eye – the rustling of tree leaves, water flowing in a stream. The peasants, mostly elderly men and women, stand in their everyday clothes, often with tools by their side, looking into the camera. Occasionally someone shifts their weight, or turns slightly, or blinks. With poetic rigor and stunning black-and-white cinematography, Portrait offers us a thoughtful meditation on man and nature, city and country, old Russia and new.


Sergei Loznitsa

Filmmaker, editor and screenwriter Sergey Loznitsa was born in 1964 in the city of Baranovitchi, in Belarus. At that time Belarus was part of the Soviet Union. Later Sergei’s family moved to Kiev, Ukraine, where he finished high school and in 1987 graduated with a degree in engineering and mathematics. From 1987 through 1991 Sergey was employed as a scientist at the Institute of Cybernetics. During that time, he developed a strong interest in cinematography, and in 1991 he was admitted to the Russian State Institute of Cinematography, in Moscow. He studied in the studio of Nana Dzhordzhadze and in 1997 graduated with honours with the major in movie production and direction. Loznitsa is considered an extremely multifaceted and productive director, his work includes short films, mid-length films and full-length films – all of them visually stunning and awarded with prizes right from the beginning of his career. Loznitsa is also hard to categorize in terms of film concept: he has presented numerous documentaries – wholly in the tradition of Russian avant-garde documentaries – as well as exemplary feature films. The content of his work ranges from contemporary history themes (including the Second World War, the Soviet era) all the way to everyday observations and portrayals of life in Russia today. His two feature films, My Joy (2010) and In the Fog (2012) had their world premieres at the Festival de Cannes, where In the Fog received the FIPRESCI prize. Loznitsa’s feature-length documentary Maidan (2014), dedicated to the Ukrainian Revolution, premiered at the Festival de Cannes and it was screened at 2015 ZagrebDox. Feature documentary film The Event (2015) revisits dramatic moments of August 1991 in the USSR, a failed coup d’étatattempt (known as Putsch) premiered at Venice Film Festival in 2015. Documentary Austerlitz (2016), nominated for the Best European documentary at European Film Awards 2017, is an observation of the visitors to a memorial site that has been founded on the territory of a former concentration camp. His 2018 documentary Donbass, set in eastern Ukraine where society begins to degrade as the effects of propaganda and manipulation begin to surface in this post-truth era, got Un Certain Regard – Directing Prize at last year's Cannes Film Festival. In 2018 Loznitsa presented two more documentary films: The Trial – archival chronicle of one of the infamous Moscow Trials – at the time, an operatic affair serving to legitimize Stalin’s government, now a timely reminder of the consequences of total authority, and Victory Day, an observational documentary that conveys the power of ideology and nostalgia as it captures the celebration of Victory Day at Berlin's Soviet War Memorial.

General sponsor


2002, 28'

Directed by:
Sergei Loznitsa

Screenplay by:
Sergei Loznitsa

Pavel Kostomarov

Edited by:
Sergei Loznitsa

Viacheslav Telnov

Produced by:
St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studios

Festivals & Awards:

Karlovy Vary International FilmFestival 2003 – Best Documentary; Oberhausen International Short Film Festival 2003 – Grand Prix; Les Écrans Documentaires Film Festival 2003 – Best Short Film; DOK Leipzig 2002 – Silver Dove; Mar del Plata Film Festival 2005; Jerusalem Film Festival 2003; International FilmFestival Message to Man 2003; Chicago International Documentary Film Festival 2002; Seattle International Film Festival 2002