
Miha Čelar
Screening time  
28.02. / Thursday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 2  
“iPhone - one’s digital self-extension” “iIsland - the digital substitute for the real living island”

iIsland is a story about a remote Adriatic island of Biševo where the last thirteen islanders are fighting to preserve their community. Their goal is to re-establish the town council, to help them become a legal entity, so that they can survive in the future. The main characters in the story are an elderly Ernest Hemingway look-alike Slovenian writer, who came to the island to write his last novel and a young couple: Lada, a yoga teacher and Lucijo, a cook, who are also the leading protagonists of the island movement. The main struggle is taking place over the former island school, which the islanders are trying to regain in order to revive the island community center. But, the local authorities and the tourist industry are planning to “digitalize” the island and convert the school into a multimedia touch-screen facility, where tourists would be able to examine Biševo merely in digital form.


Miha Čelar

Miha Čelar is a Slovenian director and producer born in Ljubljana in 1970. He is based in Slovenia where he runs the documentary production company, Astral Film. His filmography includes the production of several larger television programs and series for national and commercial TV stations, as well as award-winning medium-length partly animated documentary film Tatjana in Motherland (2014) and fiction feature film Amir (2002). iIsland is his second transmedia project and it was presented as a case study at the 2018 ZagrebDox Pro program.

General sponsor


Croatia, Slovenia, Italy
2018, 90'

Directed by:
Miha Čelar

Screenplay by:
Miha Čelar, Tamara Babun

Tomislav Krnić

Edited by:
Fabio Toich, Darej Shoemen

Luca Ciut

Miha Čelar, Nenad Puhovski, Marta Zaccaron

Produced by:
Astral Film, Factum, Quasar Multimedia