Projects 2019

My Mother the State

Ieva Ozolina
"My Mother the State" is a character-driven humane story about a young woman’s search for her past.

Project will be presented by:

Ieva Ozolina, director

Ieva Ozolina was born in 1974 in Riga. She studied sculpture and ceramics at the Academy of Arts of Latvia. For more than ten years she curated museum exhibitions, did production design for theatre shows, participated in art symposiums and art shows. Due to her personal interest in human relationships and implementation of that in art, she took up film studies at the Academy of Culture of Latvia. Her graduation film My Father the Banker – about a father-daughter relationship – was awarded the Latvian national prize Big Kristaps. Her second film Solving My Mother was selected for IDFA First Appearance Competition in 2017, where it received the Special Jury Award.

Madara Malberga, producer

Madara Melberga began her way into cinema through acting but after she dicovered that her true passion lays in production, Madara has developed and produced director-driven films, always working closely with the content. Her filmography includes fiction titles Monotony (2007), and Kolka Cool (2011) for which she won the Cottbus IFF FIPRESCI award, and documentaries Family Instinct (2010), which won her a nomination at IDFA, and Solving My Mother (2017), for which she was awarded IDFA Special Jury Award in First Appearance competition. She is currently preparing a new feature, 24h Sunshine.

General sponsor

Mana māte valsts


Directed by:
Ieva Ozolina

Madara Melberga

Produced by:
FA Filma

Start of production:

Estimated date of finalisation:

Current production stage:

Anticipated length:


FA Filma,
Bruninieku 2207, LV1001, Riga, Latvia
P: +37126995300