18th ZagrebDox Programme Presented: 86 Documentaries in 11 Sections


In the eight days of the festival, the audience will have a chance to watch 86 documentaries in 11 film sections. Twenty films in international competition and 17 documentaries in regional competition are competing for the official festival of the Big Stamp, while the Small Stamp award will be given to the best film by an author up to 35 years of age.

This year’s eighteenth edition of the International Documentary Film Festival ZagrebDox that will take place from 3 to 10 April at the Kaptol Boutique Cinema,  was presented at a press conference by the director and head programmer Nenad Puhovski and producer Hrvoje Pukšec.

“We are entering adulthood happy and proud to be one of the few festivals that has shown films exclusively in cinemas in these past, challenging years. With a selection of the best recent films, ZagrebDox continues to open space and provide an opportunity to explore and understand the world around us, in all its fullness, through the film medium, meetings at the cinema, conversations and sharing emotions,” said Nenad Puhovski.

International competition

This year’s international competition brings together a number of titles that touch on various focal points on the geopolitical map of the world. Check the interntional competition HERE.

Regional competition

This year’s regional competition includes 17 films, a large number of which, through various perspectives, situations and positions, touch on the issue of understanding identity. Five premiere titles are new works by local filmmakers: Vedrana Pribačić’s Bigger Than Trauma, Davor Sanvincenti’s Places We’ll Breathe, Goran Dević’s The Buildingand Ante Zlatko Stolica’s Babajanja, while Mlungu – The White King by David Lušičić will premiere in Croatia. 

Official selection

In addition to numerous documentaries in the official sections Masters of Dox, Controversial Dox, State of Affairs, Biographx Dox, Teen Dox, the upcoming edition of the festival includes the Road Dox section curated by Vladan Petković and the Points of View section curated by Jelena Pašić.


This year’s retrospective is dedicated to Želimir Žilnik, and includes part of his filmography made in Germany in the mid-1970s, while the author’s evening belongs to director Katarina Zrinka Matijević, president of this year’s international jury, with a selection of films curated by Diana Nenadić.

“We are glad that this year we will host many world filmmakers who will present their films in person. We continue to provide free screenings of some films on a daily basis to all visitors; and at the very end of the festival, on Sunday, April 10, as every year, we offer the audience the opportunity to enjoy the best, award-winning titles of this year’s edition through The Best of Fest.

What makes me especially happy is that we are again in the best cinema space in Zagreb, where ZagrebDox is doing great and finding itself – just like our audience. ZagrebDox is ready for its 18th edition, and new partnerships and sponsorships have helped us in all this. One of them – certainly the most important, we hope in the long run – is the sponsorship of Zagrebačka banka”, said the ZagrebDox producer Hrvoje Pukšec.

Majda Žujo, Director of Identity and Communication at Zagrebačka banka, said: “We are proud of our involvement and support for ZagrebDox, the largest documentary film festival in this part of Europe and certainly one of the most important festivals in Croatia. Zagrebačka banka has been a sponsor of many festivals and cultural events for many years, which is more important today than ever. As this is the first festival this year that will enable the return of the audience to the cinema, this year we decided to support the Audience Award. Congratulations on a well-designed and rich programme and we wish you another successful edition of the festival.”


Ticket prices for the 18th ZagrebDox range from 25 to 34 kuna, while the price of a ticket package for The Best of Fest program is 80 kuna. Early bird ticket sale starts on Thursday, March 24 at the box office of Kaptol Boutique Cinema, at ticket offices in the cinema lobby and online at kaptolcinema.hr. ZagrebDox takes place with the support of the City of Zagreb and the Croatian Audiovisual Centre. Check out the full PROGRAM and the SCHEDULE!

Photo: Hrvoje Pukšec, Majda Žujo, Ivana Sansević, Nenad Puhovski.

Ⓒ Samir Cerić Kovačević