International Competition

Apolonia, Apolonia

Lea Glob
Screening time  
27.03. / Monday, 15:30 - 17:30 Theatre 3  
01.04. / Saturday, 19:30 - 21:30 Theatre 3  

Apolonia was born in an underground theatre in Paris, grew up in an artist community, and studied at one of the most prestigious art academies in Europe. Over the years, Danish filmmaker Lea Glob filmed her and her struggle to find her place in the art world, grappling with the agonies and joys of womanhood, the relationships with others and her own body and creation. As time passes and a special bond grows between Apolonia and Lea, we witness a film being born and a painter rising to fame. Thirteen years on, the two women continue to reflect on each other’s paths in this mesmerising film about art, love, motherhood, sexuality, representation, and how to succeed in a world dominated by patriarchy, capitalism and war, without losing oneself.


Lea Glob

Lea Glob (1982) graduated as a director from the National Film School of Denmark in 2011. She co-directed Olmo & The Seagull with Petra Costa in 2014. In 2016 she co-directed the feature documentary Venus together with Mette Carla Albrechtsen about sexuality from a female perspective, which became a moment to share thoughts on sexuality and identity, in an attempt to formulate a language and reclaim the female body. All along those years Glob followed the story of Apolonia Sokol, creating a sort of double-sided portrait of the artist as a young woman. Apolonia, Apolonia is her first documentary feature as a solo director.

General sponsor

Apolonia, Apolonia

Poland, Denmark
2022, 116'

Directed by:
Lea Glob

Screenplay by:
Lea Glob

Edited by:
Andreas Bøggild Monies, Thor Ochsner

Jonas Struck

Sidsel Siersted

Produced by:
Danish Documentary Production, Staron Films

Festivals & Awards:

IDFA (2022)