International Competition

Calling Cabral

Welket Bungué
Screening time  
28.03. / Tuesday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 5  
30.03. / Thursday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 4  

Between the hustle and bustle of a New Year's Eve spent in the Bijagó Islands, and the discovery of a feeling that is renewed with the reunion of people and places, the film penetrates the layers of language and behaviour to celebrate the historical and intergenerational complexity that inhabits Guinea-Bissau. This land has swallowed up horrendous stories of wars and resistance. History separated the Guineans from the Portuguese, just as the Portuguese separated themselves from all their colonialist past in the territories they passed through. But this film is not a certificate of guilt, nor of glory. It seeks to bring a pulse of reconciliation created from the imaginary of two contemporary folks, of different ancestries, but who share a common culture - the European Portuguese culture.


Welket Bungué

Welket Bungué (1988, Guinea-Bissau) is a transdisciplinary Portuguese-Guinean artist of Balanta ethnicity. He lives in Berlin, but works artistically worldwide. He holds a degree in theatre from the acting department (ESTC, Lisbon) and a postgraduate degree in performance (UniRio, Brazil). He is a co-founder of the production company KUSSA. He is a co-operator-member of the GDA Foundation, a Permanent Member of the Portuguese Film Academy, a member of the Deutsche Filmakademie, and a member of the European Film Academy.

General sponsor


Brazil, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal
2022, 18'

Directed by:
Welket Bungué

Screenplay by:
Welket Bungué

Welket Bungué

Edited by:
Duarte Lima


Welket Bungué

Produced by:
Kussa Productions

Festivals & Awards:

Sheffield DocFest: Jury Special mention (2022), Mostra de Cinemas Africanos (2022)