International Competition

Mountain Flesh

Valentina Shasivari
Screening time  
27.03. / Monday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 1  
29.03. / Wednesday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 5  

In a Swiss mountain village, hikers head out, a fountain splashes reassuringly and a churchwarden prepares a mass. Debut director Valentina Shasivari evokes the calm of this serene landscape with tightly framed shots in contrast-rich black-and-white. But the soundtrack, with its creaks and crackles emanating from underground, beneath the mountains, raises questions and a creeping, ominous feeling. There’s something going on here, but what is it? Men with high-tech measuring instruments pepper the landscape, and local people study their surroundings intensely. Mountain Flesh is a meditation on people versus nature, and religion versus science. It creates a dystopian portrait about a community living under constant threat.


Valentina Shasivari

Valentina Shasivari was born in Italian-speaking Switzerland in 1992. She is of Swiss and Kosovar origins. She has a Master's degree in Art History and Social Anthropology from the University of Bern and an MA degree in directing at ECAL/HEAD (École Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne).

General sponsor

Mountain Flesh

2022, 18'

Directed by:
Valentina Shasivari

Screenplay by:
Valentina Shasivari

Gaétan Nicolas

Edited by:
Gina Calamassi

Micol Guido, Michela Pini

Produced by:
Cinédokké, Master ECAL/HEAD

Festivals & Awards:

IDFA (2022), Solothurn FF (2023)