Regional Competition

Hope Hotel Phantom

Bojan Stojčić
Screening time  
27.03. / Monday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 4  
01.04. / Saturday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 5  

The Dayton Peace Accords, negotiated at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio in 1995, ended the violent war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Agreement simoutaunosly trapped the country in an unchangable quasi democratic state in which its citizens are recognized solely through three different ethnic categories, rendering everyone else as the Others – citizens without the right of political participation or recognition.

Twenty-seven years later, early in July 2022, the director booked a room in the Hope Hotel, the same one the negotiators stayed in. Sleeping, walking, eating in same rooms and halls as people which shaped the future of his country, he documented echoes of this historical event, a dream turned nightmare.


Bojan Stojčić

Bojan Stojčić (1988) is a visual artist from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Most recently, Bojan has exhibited at Next Door Gallery, Detroit (2022), Ak Galerija, Koprivnica (2022), Graphic Triennall, Tallinn (2022), Cité internationale des arts, Paris (2021) and Slavs and Tatars’ Pickle Bar, Berlin (2021). Through his practice, Bojan deals with anticolonial discourse and affect in meta-Yugoslavian space utilizing collective and individual gaze of the peripheral Other and self. Lived experience of the Bosnian war and the country’s newly formed reality of European periphery brought Bojan close to extensive states of loss, displacement and transition in the most public and the most intimate ways. Using different media and rooting his voice in humour, poetics and geopolitics, he explores lineages, traces and transitions of the present. Bojan lives and works in Sarajevo.

General sponsor

Hope Hotel Phantom

USA, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2023, 22'

Directed by:
Bojan Stojčić

Screenplay by:
Bojan Stojčić

Bojan Stojčić

Edited by:
Bojan Stojčić, Midhat Mujkić

Bojan Stojčić