Festival Hits

Sam Now

Reed Harkness
Screening time  
28.03. / Tuesday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 2  

Filmed over an expanse of 25 years, two brothers go on a 2 000-mile road trip to solve a family mystery. Shooting on nearly every camera format imaginable, Sam Harkness and his older half brother Reed employ their creative world of fiction filmmaking to dive headfirst into dealing with the issue at hand: Sam’s mom is missing. But are these fun-loving brothers actually ready for what lies ahead? The documentary uses a hybrid narrative approach, drawing from a vast archive of fictional films, home videos, intimate family interviews and vérité scenes from over the decades. The optimistic teenage Sam we get to know, with his heart set on finding his mom, grows into a man whose new hope is to break the cycle of generational trauma.


Reed Harkness

Reed Harkness attended "film school" in his backyard and garage. At age 18, he began making a series of short films starring his younger brother Sam. This was the beginning of a project two decades in the making: Sam Now, a coming-of-age film that follows his brother from age 11 to 36. Reed also directed the award-winning 30-minute documentary Forest On Fire and the documentary series for Topic, House On Fire.

General sponsor

Sam Now

2022, 87'

Directed by:
Reed Harkness

Reed Harkness

Edited by:
Daren Lund, Jason Reid

Roger Neill

Reed Harkness, Jason Reid

Produced by:
HA/HA, ITVS, 2R Production

Festivals & Awards:

Zurich FF: Golden Eye (2022), Bend FF: Best Documentary Feature, Best Editing (2022), Santa Cruz IFF: Best Documentary (2022), Indie Memphis FF: Best Documentary Feature (2022), SCAD Savannah FF: Best Documentary Feature, Best Director (2022), Victoria FF: Best Documentary (2023), Hot Docs (2022)