Green Dox

Waters of Pastaza

Inês T. Alves
Screening time  
28.03. / Tuesday, 21:00 - 23:00 Theatre 5  

Isolated in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest lives a Suwa community of about 80 inhabitants. Along the course of the Pastaza river, on the border between Ecuador and Peru, their children run their daily lives almost autonomously and with a strong sense of collaboration. The director spent two months in the community and developed a close relationship with the children, who taught her everything necessary to survive in that territory. The documentary follows their day-to-day lives, showing their intimate connection with nature, as well as their relationship with the new technologies, quite recent in the community. Starting from the very specific universe of children, the film draws attention to the importance of establishing a more sustainable relationship with our environment.


Inês T. Alves

Inês T. Alves (Portugal, 1987) studied Cultural Narratives at the Nova University of Lisbon (FCSH), Santiago de Compostela University (Spain) and Bergamo University (Italy). She also studied Documentary Film at the University of the Arts London, with a Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’ Scholarship. Apart from her filmmaker career, she develops film workshops with different communities and all ages, having collaborated with several associations. She is one of the founders of MOVIMENTO, a collaborative film workshop that happens every year in Portugal since 2015. Her short films were exhibited in several film festivals in Portugal and abroad. Her short documentary, Around Corners, about the post-colonial city of Maputo (Mozambique) in relationship to her family memories, won the New Cinema Award in Porto/Post/Doc Festival (Portugal). Waters of Pastaza is her first feature film.

General sponsor

Juunt Pastaza Entsari

2022, 61'

Directed by:
Inês T. Alves

Screenplay by:
Inês T. Alves

Inês T. Alves

Edited by:
Inês T. Alves

Virgílio Oliveira

Inês T. Alves, Ico Costa

Produced by:
Oublaum Filmes

Festivals & Awards:

Berlinale (2022), IndieLisboa IIFF: 2 Special Mentions (2002), Amsterdam IDFF (2022), ZINEBI (2022)