Masters of Dox

Everything Will Be OK

Rithy Panh
Screening time  
27.03. / Monday, 17:30 - 19:30 Theatre 3  
29.03. / Wednesday, 21:00 - 23:00 Theatre 5  

Imagine that animals took power. Would they behave like humans? Would they make similar mistakes, would they fight for power, rule by terror, devour everything? What would their artworks represent? Would the planet be more at peace? Rithy Panh’s dense mnemonic essay uses stunning dioramas to tell a twenty-first century dystopian story. After a century of genocidal ideologies and destructive speciesism, animals have enslaved humans and taken over the world. But, a zoological revolution is reversing and recreating the atrocities of the 20th century. Everything Will Be OK is a dystopian vision à la Animal Farm and Planet of the Apes, with nightmarish sound design and a poetically political commentary.


Rithy Panh

Rithy Panh was born in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on the 18th April 1964. He is today one of the most acclaimed documentary filmmakers and the most famous Cambodian filmmaker worldwide. After 1975 his family died through the genocidal Khmer Rouge government while he could escape in 1979 to Thailand. Panh arrived a year later in Paris, France as an orphan and stayed. He later studied at 'La Fémis', the French National Cinema School. Panh created a unique body of work consisting of documentaries and feature films that mostly deal with the modern Cambodia and the traumatic legacy of the Khmer Rouge regime. His most famous documentary is probably The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine (2003) about the infamous torture prison of the Khmer Rouge. Later his avant-garde documentary The Missing Picture (2013) became the first Cambodian film nominated for an Academy Award as 'Best Foreign Language Film'. Rithy Panh, along with director Ieu Pannakar, has developed 'Bophana: Audio Visual Resource Center - Cambodia', with an aim towards preserving the country's film, photographic and audio history.

General sponsor

Everything Will Be OK

France, Cambodia
2022, 98'

Directed by:
Rithy Panh

Screenplay by:
Rithy Panh

Edited by:
Rithy Panh

Marc Marder

Catherine Dussart

Produced by:
CDP - Catherine Dussart Productions

Festivals & Awards:

Berlinale: Silver Bear for Outstanding Artistic Contribution (2022), Jerusalem FF: In the Spirit of Freedom Award (2022), IDFA (2022), Cambodia IFF (2022)