State of Affairs

And the King Said, What a Fantastic Machine

Axel Danielson, Maximilien Van Aertryck
Screening time  
26.03. / Sunday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 5  
26.03. / Sunday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 1  
26.03. / Sunday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 2  
26.03. / Sunday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 4  
26.03. / Sunday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 3  
27.03. / Monday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 2  

And the King Said, What a Fantastic Machine is a thought-provoking examination of humanity’s infatuation with itself, and with framing the world through the camera’s lens. Filmmakers Axel Danielson and Maximilien Van Aertryck turn their cameras directly on society to explore, explain and expose how our unchecked obsession with image has grown to change our human behavior. Using a mind-boggling array of archival footage they collage this emblematic study of cinema and the social history it creates: What are the implications of being exposed to the billions of images competing for our attention? Balancing critical examination with delightful surprises, they put their footage in cacophonous, lively, enlightening conversation in this awarded documentary.


Axel Danielson

Born in Vittskövle, Sweden in 1976, Axel Danielson studied film at the Valand Academy in Gothenburg and joined the Swedish production company Plattform Produktion in 2013. He has been working closely with Maximilien Van Aertryck ever since, both being involved in the creation of their joint films as director/producer and cinematographer/editor. Their short film Hopptornet screened in Berlinale Shorts in 2016. And the King Said, What a Fantastic Machine is their debut feature-length film.


Maximilien Van Aertryck

Born in Paris, France in 1989, Maximilien Van Aertryck has collaborated with Axel Danielson as part of the Swedish production company Plattform Produktion since 2013. The pair has made several short films together which premiered at festivals including Cannes, Toronto, Aspen and Sundance. Their film Hopptornet screened in the 2016 Berlinale Shorts, won over 30 international awards, was shortlisted for an Oscar in 2017 and was nominated for an Emmy Award. Danielson and Van Aertryck work closely with the audience design strategist Kathleen McInnis.

General sponsor

Denmark, Sweden
2023, 85'

Directed by:
Axel Danielson, Maximilien Van Aertryck

Screenplay by:
Axel Danielson, Maximilien Van Aertryck

Axel Danielson, Maximilien Van Aertryck

Edited by:
Mikel Cee Karlsson, Axel Danielson, Maximilien Van Aertryck

Axel Danielson, Maximilien Van Aertryck

Produced by:
Plattform Produktion, Sveriges Television, Film i Väst, Bullitt Film

Festivals & Awards:

Sundance FF: Special Jury Award (2023), Berlinale: Generation 14plus Special Mention & Cinema Vision Award (2023)