State of Affairs

Ruthless Times - Songs of Care

Susanna Helke
Screening time  
28.03. / Tuesday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 4  

This darkly humorous film explores the state of the Finnish public care system, with employees trying to survive in conditions where efficiency and profits have become the most important values. Robots roam the halls of care homes and nurses are relegated to remote-care call centres. The care workers’ anonymous testimonies are composed into choral songs, depicting the everyday experiences of those working in the field. Through songs, the film gives a voice to those who don’t dare to talk for fear of losing their jobs. The songs express despair and anger, because care for the elderly has become a question of economics. Ruthless Times - Songs of Care is a true original of a film that sends a warm greeting to the unsung heroes of the everyday.


Susanna Helke

Susanna Helke (1967) is an award-winning filmmaker whose films (American Vagabond, 2013; Playground, 2010; Along the Road Little Child, 2005; The Idle Ones, 2001; White Sky,1998; and Sin, 1995) have received domestic and international recognition and awards (e.g. Jussi award, three times Best Nordic documentary Award, Special Jury Prize/Q Hugo Film Award Chicago IFF) and have been screened in major international documentary film festivals and other festivals. Helke is also a documentary film theorist and she works as a professor at the film department of Aalto University in Espoo Finland.

General sponsor

Armotonta menoa – Hoivatyön lauluja

2022, 92'

Directed by:
Susanna Helke

Screenplay by:
Markku Heikkinen, Susanna Helke

Aari Aaltonen

Edited by:
Markus Leppälä, Inka Lahti, Samu Kuukka

Anna-Mari Kähärä

Timo Korhonen

Produced by:
Road Movies Oy

Festivals & Awards:

Locarno Critic's Week (2022), IDFA (2022), Kasseler DokFest (2022), Scanorama European Film Forum (2022), L'Alternativa (2022), UEFF (2022), This Human World (2022), WatchDocs (2022), International Political FF (2023), Human Oslo (2023)