Special Events

DoXXL Panel: Entrepreneurship to sustainable life

WEDNESDAY, 29/03, 17:00 - 19:00
After the screening of the Tourism episode from the serial Good Economy

How to reconcile the tension between investment prioritising social and environmental goals and those giving precedence to financial return? Does social entrepreneurship truly make a difference or does it merely maintain the status quo which is basically unsustainable? Can it be considered ethical if it still contributes to the capitalist system which reflect inequality and exploitation? How to make the voice and views of those most struck by social and ecological issues really heard? The panel will try to answer these questions with the participation of the author of the Good Economy serial Đuro Gavran, social entrepreneur and innovator Teo Petričević, scientist, ecologist and activist Dražen Šimleša from the Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, and Davorka Vidović, a researcher and teaching docent at the Faculty of Political Sciences.