
Masterclass: Tihomir Ladišić - Conflict Zone

THURSDAY, 30/03, 15:00, THEATRE 5

There is a series of professional, political, moral and other dilemmas regarding every military conflict. One of them is definitely the question of neutrality and unbiasedness in a journalist’s approach to tackling war. To what extent is it possible to be unbiased in a conflict which includes the country you live in, as was the case with the war in Croatia? How important is it to know history, religion and political circumstances when reporting from a country like Iraq and Afghanistan? To what extent is it possible to move in a war zone when you’re limited as a reporter and constantly accompanied by one of the conflicted sides? Today, in a time of new technologies and social media, how important is it to verify the information and video content arriving from the war zone? What is it like to lose fellow reporters and camerapersons who perished while reporting from the war zones? All these are topics on which Tihomir Ladišić will share his experiences at a ZagrebDox Pro masterclass.