Projects 2023

Hostages of War

Mariia Derhachova
When a full-scale war broke out in Ukraine, not only people but also animals became its hostages. During the shelling, air strikes and occupation by Russian troops, it was almost impossible to save the animals. People left their homes in panic and closed their apartments with their pets. Shelters were left without communication, light and water. Animals died of starvation, thirst, shell fragments, bullet wounds, and heartbreaks during explosions. However, even during the war, there were those who were able to save the defenseless four-legged friends. This film shows how war destroys all living things in its path, but thanks to the heroic deeds of people who do not consider themselves heroes, despite death, give a chance for a new life.

Mariia Derhachova

Mariia Derhachova worked as a director and cinematographer on a social project on the subject of Carpathian deforestation with the support of the Frankfurt Zoological Society. She worked as director and a producer of multi-series documentaries News Windows for STB. She directed Great Stories of Small Business (2020), a series of social videos about entrepreneurs from Donetsk, Luhansk and the Azov coast of Zaporozhye region and a social project. In 2021, Mariia directed the social project On Equals on the topic of employment of people with disabilities, with the support of the UKF. She was the finalist of the international festival of social advertising Molodiya Festival few years in a row.

General sponsor


Working title:
Hostages of War

Directed by:
Mariia Derhachova

Zlata Jefimenko

Start of production:

Estimated date of finalisation: