Projects for this year’s ZagrebDox Pro focusing on the issue how to film a war have been selected.
ZagrebDox Pro: Dox of War takes place as part of the specific, very demanding theme of this year’s edition, addressing the question “How to film a war?” Eight projects from Greece, Croatia, Canada, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine have been seen selected, which specifically and creatively depict the reality of war, while a large number of the participants are currently filming their projects in development on the front lines, as we speak.
At the workshop, the participants will develop their projects and consider possibilities for narrative, visual and ethical approaches to their complex theme, working with experienced mentors Hans Robert Eisenhauer and John Appel. Apart from working on the projects, the participants, and partly the public, will be able to take part in masterclasses and discussions with renowned world documentary filmmakers, authors of prominent war films, as well as with reporters, photographers and humanitarians who will share their practical knowledge and experience of working in complex wartime conditions. That way both the participants and the visitors will have a chance to take part in PRO events with renowned professionals and filmmakers like Sigal Yehuda, Mila Turajlić, Alisa Kovalenko, Tihomir Ladišić and Mila Teshaieva.
The selected ZagrebDox Pro 2023: Dox of War projects are:
Izlaz kroz ludaru / Exit Through The Cuckoo's Nest, Nikola Ilić (Serbia, Switzerland)
Nepoznat br. 1 / Unknown No. 1, Markiian Myroshnychenko (Ukraine)
Savršenstvo kruga / Perfection Of Circle, Boris Bakal (Croatia)
Olovka strašne stvarnosti / Pencil of The Dreadful Reality, Mariia Shevchenko (Ukraine)
Presretanje / Intercepted, Oksana Karpovych (Ukraine)
Sjećanja / Memories, Vivian Papageorgiou (Greece)
Taoci rata / Hostages of War, Mariia Derhachova (Ukraine)
Trajno pretraživanje / Hold Still, Berke Bas (Turkey)
One of the most important goals of this year’s ZagrebDox Pro is to give a chance to these outstanding filmmakers to present their projects during the festival to numerous producers and distributers, both regional and worldwide, as well as to work with outstanding mentors and professionals. The workshop moderator and facilitator is documentary filmmaker Nebojša Slijepčević.
Participants without a project
In addition to project teams, ZagrebDox Pro masterclasses open to the public can be attended by four participants without a project. Events open to the public will also be organised at the workshop. To apply for participation without a project, please send an email with the subject: PARTICIPANT WITHOUT A PROJECT at no later than 17 March 2023.
In the application, candidates should write their full name, email, phone number and a short biography. The official language of ZagrebDox Pro is English.
ZagrebDox Pro is supported by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Croatian Film Directors Guild and the City of Zagreb. The event takes place 27-31 March 2023.