

Isabel Pagliai
Vrijeme projekcije  
15.06. / Utorak, 19:00 - 21:00 Teatar &TD Ulaznica

On a hot summer day by a small lake, Mia asks Hugo – 15 years old and yet already blasé - to tell her about his love story with Chaïnes. Despite his reluctance, memories come to the surface: evenings spent at the edge of the lake trying to seduce her, the fear felt when declaring his love, the torment provoked by this exuberant but secretive girl who never shows her emotions. The moments of pleasure still hurt: afternoons spent jostling, touching, and sometimes even fighting each other. The joy of shouting, of insulting each other, of feeling alive. A slow, dark, documentary in which time doesn't seem to exist. 


Isabel Pagliai

Isabel Pagliai rođena je 1988. i trenutačno živi i radi u Parizu. Studirala je književnost i povijest umjetnosti na Sveučilištu Denis-Diderotu u Parizu, a diplomirala na Nacionalnom studiju suvremene umjetnosti Le Fresnoy u Francuskoj. Njezini filmski radovi, koji spajaju pristup igranog filma i dokumentarističke kamere, bave se temama djetinjstva i jezika. Prikazani su na različitim međunarodnim festivalima, a filmom Isabella Morra (2015) osvojila je brojna priznanja, uključujući nagradu za najbolji kratkometražni film na festivalu dokumentarnog filma u Montrealu.   

Generalni sponzor


2020, 43'

Isabel Pagliai

Isabel Pagliai, Mathias Bouffier 

Isabel Pagliai

Mathias Bouffier

Martin Bertier, Helen Olive

5A7 Films, Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains, Pictanovo

Festivali i nagrade:

Dokufest 2020 – Short Dox Award
IndieLisboa 2020 – Grand Prize Best Short Film
Rotterdam International Film Festival 2020
Guanajuato International Film Festival 2020


Manifest Pictures
Avenue Marceau 24
75008 Paris, France
T. +33175439190
T. +33620542430
Mail : anais@manifest.picturesAndréa Goncalves
E. andrea@manifest.pictures
Clémence Bernard
E. clemence@manifest.pictures