Mia Engberg
Mia Engberg is a director and producer known for her cutting edge films that moves between documentary and poetry. Her production Dirty Diaries – 12 shorts of feminist porn, gained international attention and Belleville Baby was awarded Best Documentary at the Swedish Film Awards. Mia is also author of the book The Visual Silence and a base player in the band Vagina Grande.
Les enfants du square (1994)
Parkside Girls (1996)
The Stars We Are (1997)
Meat is murder (1997)
Manhood (1999)
California über alles (1999)
Selma & Sofie (2001)
Bitch & Butch (2002)
Suburban songs (2005)
Come Together (2007)
Belleville Baby (2013)
Lucky One (2019)
Hypermoon (2023)