International Competition


Urmas E. Liiv

Three Estonians, Sascha, Kristo and Mikk, each in his own way, celebrate their 18th birthday. Sascha lives on a margin, Kristo comes from middle class, while Mikk belongs to the Estonian wealthy elite, who are very few. Their social background is reflected in a range of social differences: Mikk, who gets numerous gifts, is having fun with his friends in a fashionable club; Kristo’s parents have rented a cheap motel; Sascha is drinking heavily with his homeless friends and ends the day in tears and violence. Asked about their past and their future, the protagonists sincerely and critically outline the social structure of modern Estonia.

Urmas E. Liiv

Umas E. Liv was born in Estonia in 1967. He studied biology and geography at the Tartu University. He also studied film directing at the Audio-Visual Department of the Teachers’ University in Tallin, where he stayed as a teacher after obtaining his grade. He worked on documentary films mostly as a cinematographer and editor, seldom as a director.

General sponsor

Palju onne!

2004, 48', color, video

Directed by:
Urmas E. Liiv

Screenplay by:
Urmas E. Liiv

Produced by:
Rudolf Konimois Film