International Competition

Weapons Of Mass Deception

Danny Schechter

The weapons mentioned in the title is of two kinds. The wars are also two: one – rough and real – is taking place in Iraq, with all the usual weapons; the other involves no blood and is being made with cameras, satellites, reporters and propagandists. Yes, Schechter has decided to deal with the way in which American media cover the war in Iraq, which made the Americans believe the claims they were served; he also deals with the role of the Pentagon in the whole story. Being a journalist himself, the director used his comments to lead the story, spicing it up with materials from various media and using their own stories against them. He also deals with those who later apologized for their mistakes: CNN reporter Christiane Amanpour and editors of The New York Times and The Washington Post, as well as with the media of the Arab world.

Danny Schechter

Danny Schechter is an investigative journalist, an independent producer and a director, a winner of two Grammies. He specialized in investigative journalism and production of programs on human rights, journalism, popular music and society in general. He worked for some of the major American TV stations (ex. CNN and ABC) and papers (Boston Globe, Columbia Journalism Review). His films include: We Are family (2002); Nkosi: A Voice Of Africa’s AIDS Orphans (2001); Beyond Life: Timothy Leary Lives; Sarajevo Ground Zero (1993).

General sponsor

Weapons Of Mass Deception

2004, 100', video

Directed by:
Danny Schechter

David Chai, Bob Coen, Dan Devivo, Justin Elliot, Shilpi Gupta, Simon Kim, Michael Lee, John Miglietta, King Molapo, Kozo Okumura, Nick Pannacciulli, Anna Pizarro, Craig Secker, Stan Staniski

Edited by:
David Chai, Lenny Charles, Bill Davis

Danny Schechter