Regional Competition

Somewhere Far Away

Tomislav Vujčić

Somewhere far away, there is a place where things are different, where people are plain. A place where only rain and wind disturb daily routine, where time stands still. Somewhere far away we have hidden this place, so far away that we have forgotten that it exists, that there are people there, forsaken and forgotten. This is a story about these people, about their world.

Tomislav Vujčić

Tomislav Vujčić was born in 1980. He grew up in Požega. He has loved film since his earliest childhood. He is an author of a few awarded films and Somewhere Far Away is his first professional documentary film, made for Croatian National Television. He is a student of the first year of production at the Academy of Drama Arts.

General sponsor

Negdje daleko

2004, 28', video

Directed by:
Tomislav Vujčić

Screenplay by:
Tomislav Vujić

Miran Krčadinac

Edited by:
Mirko Kremenić

Tomislav Vujić

Anto Jurić

Produced by: