Hommage a Krzysztof Kieslowski

Seven Women of Different Ages

Krzysztof Kieslowski

Each day of the week is reserved for one classical ballerina. We take a look at dancers from the youngest age; from children learning their first dance steps, to the eldest ballerina who is no longer active as a dancer, but still works as a teacher.


Krzysztof Kieslowski

When Krzysztof Kieslowski is mentioned everybody automatically thinks of his metaphysical fiction. However, it is a lesser known fact that the polish gentleman started his career by working hard on his documentary stories. Even his TV debut in 1969 was marked by the documentary – The Photograph (Fotografia). The audience at ZagrebDox has a rare opportunity to see a wonderful documentary span of his career which starts with one of his earlier works – ‘Refrain’ (1972), then continues with the award winning ‘First Love’ (1974) and ends with the last documentary of his filmography – ‘Station’ from 1980. All these films carry a certain theme and the director’s signature which he also developed in his full length fiction work. Therefore, it is not lacking the characteristic dark humor, criticism of institutions, the state of public communist consciousness, the individual workers, the lonely nameless individuals..., in short – it is a homage to Mr.. Kieslowski’s work which stands as a testament to humanity.

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Siedem Kobiet w Roznym Wieku

1978, 16', color, 35 mm

Directed by:
Krzysztof Kieslowski

Witold Stok

Edited by:
Alina Sieminska, Lidia Zonn

Produced by: