Nick Broomfield Retrospective

Tattooed Tears

Nick Broomfield, Joan Churchill

The year is 1978. The place is a Youth Training Center, a prison for minor delinquents in California. Nick Broomfield and Joan Churchill, his longstanding, faithful associate, were given the permission to access the entire facility, and basing the film around four prisoners, they made one of the most honest and most unscrupulous documentaries about prison life. The head of the institution is an old man with one foot in retirement, determined to maintain the existing ways of rehabilitation - ghastly rules and restrictions that most certainly don’t rehabilitate the prisoners, but only push them into further rebellion and resistance. P.S. A popular song by Tupac Shakur has the same title, and two decades later the gentleman in question posthumously became the main lead in Broomfield’s documentary ‘Biggie and Tupac’.


Nick Broomfield

Nick Broomfield was born in London. He has directed more than thirty documentaries over his forty-year career, including Kurt and Courtney (1998); Biggie & Tupac (2002), Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer (2003); Battle for Haditha (2007), Sarah Palin: You Betcha! (2011), Sex: My British Job (2013), Whitney Can I Be Me (2017) all of them screened at the ZagrebDox. His latest documentary Marianne & Leonard – Words of Love (2019).

Joan Churchill

General sponsor

Tatooed Tears

Great Britain
1978, 85', 16 mm

Directed by:
Nick Broomfield, Joan Churchill

Nick Broomfield, Joan Churchill

Edited by:
Nick Broomfield, Joan Churchill

Andrew Braunsberg