Retrospective of Danish Documentaries

Gorilla Gorilla

Anne Regitze Wivel

This short observational, awardwinning documentary about gorillas in the Copenhagen Zoo brings a lot of fun and melancholy to the audience. Of course it’s also like a mirror put up in front of us human beings, and for the film buffs a warm greeting to Bert Haanstra and his film about the Zoo. It has been a hit in the distribution of the Danish Fil Institute for more than twenty years.

Anne Regitze Wivel

Anne Wivel was born in 1945, got a degree in painting at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 1977, and in 1980 graduated from the Danish National Film Academy. Besides her early work ‘Gorilla, Gorilla’, she made the following films: ‘Work Towards Freedom’ (1980), ‘Motivation’ (1983), ‘Little Skating Girl’ (1985), ‘Face to Face’ (1987), ‘Water’ (1988), ‘David and Goliath’ (1988), ‘Giselle’ (1991), ‘Søren Kierkegaard’ (1994), ‘Tobacco’ (1996), ‘By Night’ (1996), ‘The Heart of Johannes’ (1998).

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Gorilla Gorilla

1983, 11'

Directed by:
Anne Regitze Wivel

Screenplay by:
Anne Regitze Wivel

Ulla Boje Rasmussen

Edited by:
Kasper Schyberg

Christian Kyhl

Produced by:
Nordisk Films Kompagni