Juries 2006

International Jury

Kristiina Pervilä, producer

Kristiina Pervilä has been working as an independent producer since 1988. She has produced or co-produced international opera and ballet productions on stage, a wide range of creative international documentaries for cinema and tv, music productions and live performances. From 1983 until 1993 she also co-ordinated and coproduced guest performances of the Estonian Opera House, The Nikikai opera of Tokyo, Budapest, Savonlinna, Malaga and Verona. Between 1993 and 1999 she was a free-lance producer for documentaries and in 1999 she founded Millennium Film wich produces author led documentaries for both the Nordic and the international market. The films have been awarded at international competitions like IDFA, HotDocs, Fictions du Reel, Gothenburg,Visions du Reel and Prix Italia. Kristiina Pervilä has also been working as an analyst, expert and tutor in EDN seminars like the Balticum Forum 2001 and 2003, 12 for The Future and The Eurodoc training programme since 1999 and as a moderator in Nordisk Forum 2003.

Zoran Tadić, director

Zoran Tadić was born in Livno (Bosnia-Herzegovina) in 1941, but has been living in Zagreb since 1943. He studied Comparative Literature and Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb and he is an Associate Professor at the Zagreb Academy of Drama Arts. He has been preoccupied with film since 1961. Having started as a film critic and publicist, he later became assistant director and co-writer. He started directing his own films in 1968, which resulted in ten short films: Hitch...Hitch...Hitchocook!’ (1968), ‘Amerikanka’ (1970), ‘Poštar s kamenjara’ (1971), ‘Druge’ (1972), ‘Kazivanje Ivice Štefanca, mlinara’ (1973), ‘Pletenice’ (1973), ‘Dernek’ (1974), ‘Zemlja’ (1975), ‘Preporuča se za realizaciju’ (1978) i ‘Kašinska 6’ (1981). He also directed around sixty TV documentaries, feature and culture films. Occasionally he would make commissioned films (commercials), too. He directed seven long feature films: ‘The Rhythm of Crime’ (1981), ‘The Third Key’ (1983), ‘Dream of a Rose’ (1986), ‘The Condemned’ (1987), ‘The Man Who Liked Funerals’ (1989), ‘Eagle’ (1990) i ‘The Third Woman’ (1997). He received awards in Croatia and abroad.

Mladen Santrić

Mladen Santrić was born in 1957. (Split/Croatia) and holds B.A. in comparative literature, sociology and journalism. Since 1982. he has worked at Croatian TV as a reporter, journalist, script writer, director and programme editor. As author he has made documentaries about individuals and ordinary people in the moment of inner transformation and social crises. He has his own cycle of films ‘Look & behold’; ‘I Am Free’ (2ooo), ‘On Earth As It Is In Heaven’ (2001), ‘Blue Rose Garden’ (2005).

Regional Jury

Cecilia Lidin, EDN Film Consultant

With a background consisting of a Masters Degree in Film and Mass Communication (studies at the University of Copenhagen and University of California, Berkeley) and professional experience from the MEDIA 1 project DOCUMENTARY as well as experience from promoting shorts and documentaries with Filmkontakt Nord, Cecilia Lidin joined the EDN team in 1998. At EDN Cecilia Lidin is responsible for a number of the workshops and seminars organised by EDN, and she functions as a tutor and moderator of film discussions, and conducts courses about documentary filmmaking in Europe. Cecilia contributes to DOX magazine reporting from different film-events and reviewing films, and on a daily basis consults EDN members in questions of project development, financing and distribution. Cecilia Lidin has served on several juries at film festivals around Europe and is a member of the board of Aarhus International Film Festival.

Andrea Prenghyova, filmmaker and head of IDF

Andrea Prenghyova was born in Prague in 1972. She holds a degree in journalism from Charles University and a degree in documentary direction at the Film Academy of Performing Arts. Since the early nineties she has been working as a reporter for the Reflex magazine, shooting and producing documentary films for the Czech Television. Currently she is working on her new film ‘Kolem domu’ (‘Around the House’). Since 1999 she has been involved in the organization of the professional section of the International Documentary Film Festival in Jihlava, and in 2001 she stood with her friend Filip Remunda at the birth of the Institute of Documentary Film, a non-profit making organization supporting documentary films in the Eastern and Central European countries. As one of the heads of the institute, she manage a number of educational and networking programs for fi lm professionals such as Ex Oriente Film (a yearly workshop for independent film producers), East European Forum (a Pitching forum for Eastern European projects), Meeting of East European TV professionals and currently work on new projects such as the Documentary Internet (interactive web pages for film professionals) and East European Documentary Film Library. The Institute of Documentary Film has for years cooperated with EDN and a number of other international organizations such as Discovery Campus and EBU.

Igor Mirković

Igor Mirković was born in Zagreb in 1965, where he completed his primary and secondary education and the studies of Political Science at the Faculty of Political Science. Since 1989 he has worked as a TV journalist and editor. Besides HRT, he also worked on independent productions. From 1994-1996 he worked for CNN, too. His TV documentary reports have been awarded in Croatia and abroad. After all this experience, daily TV news and reports become too constricted for him, so he logically ventures into the world of documentary film. In 1998 he makes his ‘Orbanići Unplugged’ (produced by Factum). However, crucial year for his career as a director was 2001, when he made his documentary ‘Who Wants to Be a President’ together with Rajko Grlić. The film received awards at many festivals. 2003 was the year of ‘Lucky Child’ – a film about ‘new wave’ in the music of former Yugoslavia in the early 1980s, in which he told a story about the heroes of his youth.

Sport and Music Jury

Milka Babović

Born in Skopje, Macedonia on October 27, 1928, Milka Babović obtained her degree in Sports and Physical Education and German and Croatian Languages at the Teacher Training College. She is a legendary sportscaster and a long-time sports editor on TV Zagreb (1957-1970). She was particularly known by her figure skating commentaries, when she would go into details of the contestants’ costumes, thus enabling the viewers in front of their black-and-white TV sets to enjoy the show. Her commentaries contributed to the rise of the popularity of this sport in former Yugoslavia. Milka Babović has a title of Assistant Trainer in Athletics. In cooperation with physical education teachers in Zagreb elementary schools, she had an active role in promotion of athletics among schoolgirls. This included visits and conversations with families, especially with mothers and grandmothers. They often called her a ‘fighter for literacy in sports’. It is less known that she was an excellent athlete in her youth and an award-winning member of Yugoslav national athletic team. Her event was 80-meter hurdles (100-meter hurdles for women did not exist at that time). She was a 17-time Yugoslav champion, 26- time Yugoslav/Croatian record-holder and 2-time Balkan champion.

Dalibor Matanić

Born in Zagreb in 1975, he completed a reputed classics-program secondary school in Zagreb. He enrolled in the Zagreb Academy of Drama Arts in 1993. He has not completed his studies yet, but he promises he certainly will. He worked with Zoran Tadić and Zrinko Ogresta as assistant director. The first films he has directed include ‘Derby’ (1996), ‘Metropolis’ (1998), ‘Good Luck’ (1998) and ‘Bag’ (1999). These films have one thing in common – all of them are award-winners. In 2000 he made his first long feature film ‘The Cashier Wants to Go to the Seaside’ (a comedy). His second film, ‘Nice Dead Girls’ (2002), also deal with women, same as the third one, ‘100 Minutes of Slava’ (2005). He also made TV film ‘I Love You’ in 2005. He produces and directs commercials, too.

Mile Kekin

Mile Kekin was born in Stuttgart, Germany in 1971. He obtained a degree in German and English Languages at the Zagreb Faculty of Philosophy. For eighteen tender years he has been the lead vocal of the popular Croatian rock band Hladno Pivo; occasionally he synchronizes cartoons, he writes his column on a local Internet portal, and he acts in Croatian sitcom ‘Bitange i princeze’.

Young Jury

Saša Ban

Saša Ban has completed his studies of Film and TV Directing at the Zagreb Academy of Drama Arts and is about to take his final examination. His documentary ‘Park’, made on his third year, was shown at a number of festivals, including ZagrebDox 2005. ‘Park’ was awarded at the 14th Days of Croatian Film. Currently, he is a director of TV show ‘Mjenjačnica’ and is preparing a short feature film at the Academy of Drama Arts.

Marko Ferković

Marko Ferković is a student of the fourth year of Film Editing at the Zagreb Academy of Drama Arts. He worked on ‘Peščenopolis’, ‘Sve o Evi’, and a number of student films shown and awarded on the Days of Croatian Film and ZagrebDox (‘Park’). He is currently completing the editing of feature films ‘Pljuska’ by Srećko Jurković and ‘Gospođa za prije’ by Miroslav Sikavica.

Davor Bjelanović

Davor Bjelanović was born in Sisak in 1978. He is about to complete his Film and TV Cinematography studies at the Zagreb Academy for Drama Arts. He works as an external associate cinematographer at HRT. Of the awards received so far, he remembers the ice-cream his granny bought him when he learnt how to swim.