International Competition

Pavlov’s Dogs

Arto Halonen

These days, even poverty can be bought. A Russian psychologist, Sergei Knyatzev, provides the experience of being a beggar to wealthy people who have tried everything and are looking for something new. But this is only one of the games that this psychologist has developed. He specializes in role-playing and mental manipulation, starting with animals and small groups of people and climaxing with his mass control of 7,000 individuals. The film speaks in an interesting manner of our time: when nothing is enough, people try to acquire both basic and extreme experiences by buying them. And when you know about psychology, you can lead people anywhere; just like Pavlov’s dogs...


Arto Halonen

Arto Halonen has directed numerous award-winning films, including the feature fiction film Princess (2010), and the documentary films Shadow of the Holy Book (2007), Pavlov’s Dogs (2006), Tank Man (2004), Karmapa – Two Ways of Divinity (1998). In 2005, Halonen was awarded the Finland Prize. He has received the Humanitarian Award of the European Union in 1998 and in 2008 the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival honoured him as one of the most important documentary filmmakers of his generation. In year 2010 Halonen was awarded by the City of Helsinki Culture prize for his remarkable artistic career. Halonen is also the founder and the first festival director of DocPoint – the Helsinki Documentary Film Festival. He is member of the European Film Academy.

General sponsor

Pavlovin Koirat

2005, 70', color, video

Directed by:
Arto Halonen

Screenplay by:
Arto Halonen, Kevin Flynn

Avrorin, Vladimir Bashta, Arto Halonen, Igor Tsernysov

Edited by:
Sanna Liinamaa

Arto Halonen, Sanna Liinamaa

Arto Halonen

Produced by:
Art Films Production Ltd.