International Competition

Turn out the Light

Mira Jargil

Danish director Mira Jargil witnesses Ruth and Arne’s last day in the house they have been living in for 45 years. While awaiting the arrival of the removal van, the two are saying goodbye to their home, without fancy words. They make their last dinner and they bid their last ‘Good night’... Small things matter…

Mira Jargil

Mira Jargil was born in 1981. Graduated from the National Film School of Denmark in 2011, with the documentary 'The Time We Have'.

General sponsor

Det Sidste døgn

2004, 9', color, video

Directed by:
Mira Jargil

Mira Jargil

Edited by:
Kaspar Astrup Schröder

Jeanett Albeck

Mira Jargil

Produced by: