Regional Competition

The Dream Job

Danijela Majstorović

A country girl is coming to town; her father is giving her away to the owner of VIKOM TV where she will join a girls’ band. The girls cannot play music, but they are all young and beautiful and serve as a ‘decorative background’ for the performers who use playback. We follow the girl’s transformation and adaptation to the new environment. Through interviews with female singers of different generations (from Beba Selimović as the oldest one, to Hanka Paldum, Lepa Brena and some very young girls such as Romana), the film analyzes the changes in the functioning of showbiz and the way it treats female singers – it contrasts their looks, their shows and promo activities then and now. By analyzing managers, their profit, and the way they control women’s careers, the film asks many questions about the position of Bosnian women and their reasons for trying to make it in showbiz. It leaves the audience to find their own answers after listening to its male and female protagonists.

Danijela Majstorović

Danijela Mastorović was born in Bihać, Bosnia-Herzegovina, in 1978. She obtained her degree in English language and literature and she took part in a few theater productions. She has enrolled in the postgraduate studies of culture and documentary film in the USA. The first film she has directed is ‘Counterpoint’ (2004).

General sponsor

Posao snova

Bosnia and Herzegovina
2005, 51', color, video

Directed by:
Danijela Majstorović

Screenplay by:
Danijela Majstorović, Aleksandar Ilić

Feđa Talić, Milan Knežević

Vladimir Turjačanin

Produced by:
B.a.B.e. (Hrvatska) i CKS Popravak (Bosna i Hercegovina)