
Eddy’s Gone

Aldo Tardozzi

By the way he behaved we knew Eddy was a genius and we were taking it for granted. Eddy, we know you’re a genius, so shut up and draw!... (D. Macan) This is a story about brilliant Croatian strip artist Edwin Biuković, who made too few comics in his lifetime. But he liked to talk; he was too merry a man to die. When he suddenly died after all, none of his friends could reconcile with the fact. This is not a film about the Eddy who has died, but about the one who has not.

Aldo Tardozzi

Aldo Tardozzi was born in Zagreb in 1974. Graduated from the classic languages high school. He studied Philosophy at the Faculty of Jesus and Academy of Drama Arts in Zagreb. Also attended the Animation Film Factory at the Student Center in 1993. Aldo has received several prizes at the Croatian Film Festival in Zagreb for his documentaries.

General sponsor

Ode Eddy

2006, 27', color, video

Directed by:
Aldo Tardozzi

Screenplay by:
Zdravko Šarčević

Darko Drinovac

Edited by:
Ana Marija Sremec, Mato Ilijić

Luka Zima

Nenad Puhovski

Produced by: