International Competition

My Eyes

Erlend E. Mo

Katja, 16 years old, and Cathrine, 8, have a unique relationship to music, nature and sensation per se. Both girls are blind but have developed their other senses and they use them much more keenly than most people around them. Filmmaker Erlend E. Mo interprets their perceptual world that is as rich and nuanced as any seeing person’s, only different. The film portrays the intimacy and intensity of the girls’ environment in few words, affording glimpses into a poetic, subjective experience and making us see a familiar world with fresh eyes. Film won the IDFA Silver Cub Award.

Erlend E. Mo

Erlend E. Mo Born 1967 in Norway. Studied literature and Scandinavian languages at Oslo University, and film and TV at Volda University College. Has produced and directed for NRK’s Children and Youth Department and DR’s Children and Youth Department. Selected filmography: ‘My Eyes’ (2006), ‘Can You Die in Heaven?’ (2005), ‘Welcome to Denmark’ (2003), ‘Forbidden Love’ (1998).

General sponsor

Inden for minejne

2006, 19', color, video

Directed by:
Erlend E. Mo

Screenplay by:
Erlend E. Mo

Casper Høyberg

Edited by:
Schou Hillerbrand

Bendrik Muhs

Cecilia Valsted, Frauke Posthuma

Produced by:
Magic Hour Films ApS, Danish Film Institute