International Competition

No Man Is an Island

Sonja Linden

A man lives alone on his island. He keeps in contact with his sick wife every day by phone but shares his everyday life with a cat. His seasonal activities are tinged with his quirky humour and philosophy of life and also music in its many forms. The preparations for his final departure take their time too. This film is about loneliness, love and letting go.

Sonja Linden

Sonja Linden is a filmmaker and writer of plays and short stories. Since 1997 she has been Writer in Residence at the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, where she initiated the Write to Life Project. She is founder of IceandFire theatre company. Filmography: ‘Steps On The Yoga Path’ (2000), ‘Breathing’ (2002), with Lotta Kupiainen: ‘Thangka - A Living Tradition’ (2002), with Miia Haavisto: ‘Gacaca - Awaiting Justice’ (2003).

General sponsor

Ei kukaan ole saari

2006, 40', color, video

Directed by:
Sonja Linden

Screenplay by:
Sonja Lindén

Peter Flinckenberg

Edited by:
Helena Öst

Jyrki Rahkonen

Sonja Lindén

Produced by:
Screenday Films