International Competition

Nömads Tx

Raúl de la Fuente

Wonderful visuals, great music and experiences in intriguing places around the globe all contribute to this exciting journey. It starts when two musicians carve a Txalaparta out of wood. This traditional Basque instrument is played by two people at the same time, and the music arises from their encounter. It does not belong to either one of them, but originates from their perfect dialogue. In search of new authentic sounds, the musicians travel to different parts of the world: they head to India to visit Mumbai and its passionate artists, spend time in the ancient village of Adivasi, go to a Sami community and perform with some great singers in Africa. In the Arctic Circle, they play on ice and wood and chant various traditional songs. Each encounter results in unique music, and each is a surprising and exhilarating experience.

Raúl de la Fuente

Raúl de la Fuente is director, photography director, co-scriptwriter, editor and live sound engineer. His first works were musical pieces. Ten years ago, a friend, director and producer Pablo Iraburu, opened the doors of the documentary genre for him. From then on, they have worked side by side in a lot of projects and produced the feature film ‘Nömads Tx’. Raúl de la Fuente has made documentaries in India, Laponia, Morocco, Algeria, Mongolia, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Venezuela, Andalusia, Peru, Cuba and Euskal Herria (Basque country).

General sponsor

Nömadak Tx

2006, 86', color, 35 mm

Directed by:
Raúl de la Fuente

Screenplay by:
Raúl de la Fuente, Pablo Iraburu, Harkaitz Mtez. de San Vicente, Igor Otxoa

Raúl de la Fuente

Edited by:
Raúl de la Fuente

Harkaitz Mtez. de San Vicente

Pablo Iraburu, Joan Gonzàlez, Igor Otxoa

Produced by:
Arena Comunicación Audiovisual, Parallel 40, Txalap.Art