Regional Competition

Music is the Art of Time

Igor Zupe

Once upon a time music was able to change the world. ‘No Fun’ is about that time and one vinyl record which managed to do this. Featuring lots of archive material, the movie concentrates on happenings in Yugoslavia between 1977 and 1980, a period stretching from the debut concert by the band Pankrti. They acted as a detonator for many events on the local music scene, synchronizing pop culture in the socialist state with movements in the West, breaking out of a closed society, and eventually changing history. ‘Without punk and No Fun the Berlin Wall would have fallen later!’ claims the central figure in the movie, which also features numerous musicians, journalists, music critics and other people from the scene at that time.

Igor Zupe

Igor Zupe was born in Murska Sobota. He earned his diploma in directing for TV and film at the Academy for theatre, radio, film and television in Ljubljana. He has won numerous awards. Filmography: ‘Music is the Art of Time, Lp Film Pankrti - No Fun’ (2006), ‘Sobotna noč’ (2002-2004), ‘Pomp’ (2000/1998), ‘Roka Rocka’ and ‘It’s Alive - Laibach Occupied Europe Nato Tour’ (1996).

General sponsor

Glasba je časovna umetnost, lp film Pankrti – Dolgcajt

2006, 47', color, video

Directed by:
Igor Zupe

Screenplay by:
Igor Bašin, Barbara Kelbi, Igor Zupe

Edited by:
Igor Zupe


Igor Zupe

Produced by:
Nord Cross Production d.d., VPK