Regional Competition

My Neighbor Tanja

Petar Krelja

The first bad luck in life of 57 year old Tanja Kursar – born as a ‘bastard’ – permanently marked her life: grandfather didn’t recognize her for a long time, she met her indifferent father only twice in life, deranged stepfather harassed her, husband cheated... She endured all of it. Raised two children, got a job, finished school, even played in a film... And today, stronger then ever, she boldly lives her life.


Petar Krelja

Petar Krelja is one of the leading Croatian documentary filmmakers and a distinguished film critic. For years he has worked as a radio editor and host on Croatian Radio’s Channel One (former Radio Zagreb). He has been working in film since the late 1960s. In the 1970s he became known as the author of emotionally involved documentaries about social outsiders, especially children and youth. In less than four decades he made about 200 documentaries and TV shows, as well as many fiction films. A large number of his documentaries screened in early ZagrebDox sections. In 2008 he chaired the ZagrebDox international jury and his work was presented in an Author’s Night.

General sponsor

Moja susjeda Tanja

2006, 60', color, video

Directed by:
Petar Krelja

Screenplay by:
Petar Krelja

Karmelo Kursar

Edited by:
Tomislav Topić

Karmelo Kursar

Mate Čuljak, Vera Robić Škarica

Produced by: