
Last Days of Left Eye

Lauren Lazin

In the spring of 2002, 31-year old singer Lisa Lopes, nicknamed ‘Left Eye’, decided to travel to a remote place in Honduras with her family and friends to shoot a documentary about her life. At that time, Lisa Lopes was one of the three singers of TLC, the successful R&B band. In front of the camera, Lopes discusses her childhood, which was controlled by a dominant father, and the important role music has played in her life. For the first time, she candidly talks about her relationship with American football player Andre Rison, and about her alcohol problem. Meanwhile, she submits her friends to a strict diet of herbal drinks, practices yoga and preaches the naturopathy of health guru Dr. Sebi. Her spiritual quest came to an abrupt end when she was killed in a car accident 26 days into the shoot. Documentary filmmaker Lauren Lazin made an intimate portrait of a talented and autonomous young woman.

Lauren Lazin

Lauren Lazin is an award-winning filmmaker who has directed, produced, written and edited more than 40 documentaries for MTV and PBS. Her directorial debut is ‘The Flapper Story’ (1985) and first feature film is ‘Tupac: Resurrection’. Her film ‘Journey of Dr. Dre’ was nominated for two Emmy Awards. Today, Lazin executive-produces the popular music series for MTV and oversees MTV’s pro-social documentaries. Outside of MTV, Lazin has directed films for the National Organization for Women (NOW) and an award-winning documentary, ‘Seven Deadly Sins’.

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Last Days of Left Eye

USA, Honduras
2006, 88', color, video

Directed by:
Lauren Lazin

Screenplay by:
Lauren Lazin

Brian Harris, Lisa Lopes

Edited by:
David Beinstein

Brent Lord, Michael Shaieb

Katy Garfield, Lauren Lazin

Produced by:
VH1 (MTV Networks)