Conspiracy Dox

How Putin Came to Power

Tania Rakhmanova

Vladimir Putin is one of the most powerful men in the world, and one of the least understood. Is he a democrat or an old fashioned soviet communist? Where did he come from? And how did this obscure KGB official, totally unknown a year before his election, suddenly become the President of Russia? With unique archive materials and interviews, ‘How Putin Came to Power’ paints an unparallel portrait of the leaders of the Kremlin and the political morals of Russia.

Tania Rakhmanova

Tania Rakhmanova has earlier made the documentary ‘The Revenge of the Romanovs’ (1998) about the dynasty that ran Russia for three hundred years, from the early seventeenth century until The Russian Revolution. Since then she’s moved towards the present in Russian history with ‘Greetings from Grozny’ (2002) and now with ‘How Putin Came to Power’.

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La prise du pouvoir par Vladimir Putin

2005, 52', color/bw, video

Directed by:
Tania Rakhmanova

Screenplay by:
Tania Rakhmanova, Paul Mitchell

Daniel Brosset, Vladimir Trivic

Edited by:
Joseph Petersson

Patrick Winocour, Juliette Guigon

Produced by:
Quark Productions